If the Shoe Fits: Making a Difference with the Gift of Shoes with Samaritan’s Feet President & CEO Manny Ohonme
Samaritan’s Feet President & CEO Manny Ohonme shares the company’s dedication to deliver shoes to the children who need it most and how receiving his first pair of sneakers became the inspiration for Samaritan’s Feet. After being gifted his first pair of shoes over 30 years ago, Manny has made it his life’s mission to give others the same opportunity of change and impact. Through the gift of shoes, the act of washing feet, and encouragement to those who need it most, Samaritan’s Feet has been able to distribute over 8 million pairs of shoes in 108 countries and over 440 U.S. cities. Tune in to hear about Manny’s journey from Nigeria to the United States, his determination to make a difference and learn more at samaritansfeet.org.
Production Credits: Aaron Kwittken, Jeff Maldonado, Dara Cothran, Lindsay Hand, Julie Strickland, Nina Valdes, Maria Bayas, Michael Grubbs, and Mathew Passy