Proving Anything, Anywhere, Is Possible: An IRONAID Panel with IRONMAN Foundation, Good360, and Framebridge
Aaron is joined by IRONMAN Foundation Executive Director Sarah Hartmann, Good360 CMO and CDO Shari Rudolph, and Framebridge Senior VP of Operations and Supply Chain Mike Kane to discuss how the organizations came together to develop and support the IRONAID program – a relief effort working to repurpose new race shirts into non-sterile facemasks. The panel talks about how the unique organizations teamed up, their idea to bring communities together with upcycled products rather than with events during COVID-19, and the need to bring and discover joy where you can, whenever you can. Tune in to listen to this inspiring episode and learn more at,, and
Production Credits: Aaron Kwittken, Jeff Maldonado, Dara Cothran, Lindsay Hand, Katrina Waelchli, Meg Ruocco, Julia Brougher, Parker Jenkins, and Mathew Passy