Housing is a Human Right with Esusu Co-Founder Abbey Wemimo
Abbey Wemimo co-founder of Esusu, a financial technology platform that helps disenfranchised and financially excluded individuals seek a better, more fiscally prosperous future, believes where you come from shouldn’t determine where you’ll go. Abbey and Aaron explore housing as a basic human right, discuss how Esusu helps individuals build money and credit that is deemed essential to securing housing and wealth in the U.S., and why companies like Esusu are essential to leveling out the playing field especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also discusses why Esusu’s mission is so important to him personally, and the incredible, collective sacrifices his mother made to get him to where he is today. Tune in to hear the meaning behind the company name Esusu, and learn more at esusurent.com.
Production Credits: Aaron Kwittken, Jeff Maldonado, Dara Cothran, Lindsay Hand, Katrina Waelchli, Meg Ruocco, Parker Jenkins, and Mathew Passy