Getting Veg-ucated: A Conversation with Mark Cuddigan, CEO of Ella's Kitchen and Head of Sustainability for Hain Celestial.
Ella's Kitchen CEO and Head of Sustainability for Hain Celestial Mark Cuddigan joins Aaron to talk about how his company has made feeding your kids fruits and vegetables easier by providing organic food in sustainable packaging to families. Mark and Aaron discuss the benefits of becoming a B Corp, the difference between empty promises and actionable change, the ethical responsibility companies and consumers have to live sustainably, and why few companies are doing good even though doing good is good for business. Listen in to learn how this company is going above and beyond the kale of duty, and find out more at
Production Credits: Aaron Kwittken, Jeff Maldonado, Dara Cothran, Lindsay Hand, Katrina Waelchli, Meg Ruocco, Julia Brougher, Parker Jenkins, and Mathew Passy