Manufacturing a Better Future for Fashion: A Conversation with ABLE Founder and CEO Barrett Ward
ABLE Founder and CEO Barrett Ward joins Aaron to discuss how the ethical lifestyle brand works to end generational poverty by providing jobs for women. Together they discuss the 2008 trip to Ethiopia that inspired the creation of the company, the famous celebrity-loved leather bag, the importance of supporting brand authenticity and not taglines, and COVID-19’s impact on the business. Tune in to learn more about ABLE’s radical transparency and reporting system and shop at Brand on Purpose listeners can use the code “BOP25” on the ABLE website for 25% off a purchase to support a purpose-driven small business during this challenging time.
Production Credits: Aaron Kwittken, Jeff Maldonado, Dara Cothran, Lindsay Hand, Katrina Waelchli, Meg Ruocco, Julia Brougher, Parker Jenkins, and Mathew Passy