Season 5 Episode 1 with (Copy)

Claire Coder from
Aunt Flow


Pink Tax & PPE with Aunt Flow’s Claire Coder

Aunt Flow CEO and founder Claire Coder speaks about why she started the first full-solution company that helps businesses and schools stock bathrooms with free tampons and pads. Committed to "changing the world one cycle at a time," Claire discusses how the company's origins started when she was stranded in a public bathroom, her dedicated partnership with nonprofit organization PERIOD and how she's pivoted since the start of COVID-19. Aunt Flow's sister company, Work Flow, has manufactured over 8 million 3-ply masks and has since rolled out additional PPE products with a mission to provide everyone with basic necessities. Tune in to learn about Claire's inspiring entrepreneurial spirit, and learn more at and

Production Credits: Aaron Kwittken, Jeff Maldonado, Dara Cothran, Lindsay Hand, Katrina Waelchli, Meg Ruocco, Parker Jenkins, and Mathew Passy